Anita Rogers Gallery presents Considerations. New Paintings, an exhibition of paintings by American artist Jan Cunningham. The exhibition will be on view November 14, 2018 – January 5, 2019 at 15 Greene Street, New York, New York. There will be an opening reception on Wednesday, November 14, from 6 – 8pm.
Painting slows you down. Quickness of perception alternates with slowness of understanding and execution. Slowness of execution permits deeper perception and understanding. Deeper understanding in turn quickens the mind. The slower pace becomes one’s influential teacher, inescapable ally, and most valuable workmate.
- Jan Cunningham
The paintings in the exhibition are extended meditations on proportion and scale, attention, movement, and the materiality of color and light. The artist has said that often, as she struggles to “find a particular light or a specific gesture in a painting, that the chance notice of an improbably spacious presence of light falling across a room, the relative depths and weights of light and shadow on a lawn, in a garden, or in the wooded landscape; or the remarkable depth and luminance of one kind of light just beyond or adjacent to the surprising opacity of another” show her the way forward.
There is a lyrical precision to the work that reflects how the often idiosyncratic movements and gestures of the mind are brought into measured moments of equilibrium on the canvas, evolving unhurried, over time.
In the end, it is the work that looks back at you, and in some cases, steps out to greet you.
For further information and photographs, please contact Elizabeth Thompson at elizabeth.thompson@anitarogersgallery.com, or call 347.604.2346. The gallery is open Monday through Saturday 10am – 6pm.